

  1. Asano, J., Lee, P. & Mykhnenko, V. (2018) Study on Reconstruction from a Natural Disaster and the Progress of Urban Shrinkage: The Case of the Eruption Disaster of Mt. Unzen-Fugendake in Shimabara, Japan. Urban and Regional Planning Review, 5: 135-152, DOI: 10.14398/urpr.5.135
  2. Brault, M., Frel-Cazenave, B., Galamez, L., Gali, P., Minisini, E., Quillerier T. & Cunningham Sabot, E. (2021) Compte-rendu du colloque “20 ans de recherche, 20 ans d’action sur la décroissance urbaine : rétrospectives et perspectives”. Revue Marketing Territorial, 6(Winter),
  3. Cunningham Sabot, E., Fernández, B. & Dubeaux, S. (2021) Villes en décroissance, Shrinking Cities, Schrumfende Städte, Ciudades en decrecimiento, sémantique et traductions face à un nouveau régime urbain. Revue Marketing Territorial, 6(Winter),
  4. Dubeaux, S. (2021) Résumé de thèse: Les utilisations intermédiaires des espaces vacants dans les villes en décroissance. Transferts et transférabilité entre l’Allemagne et la France. Revue Marketing Territorial, 6(Winter),
  5. Haase, A., Bontje, M., Couch, C., Marcinczak, S., Rink, D., Rumpel, P. & Wolff, M. (2021) Factors driving the regrowth of European cities and the role of local and contextual impacts: A contrasting analysis of regrowing and shrinking cities. Cities, 108: 102942, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102942
  6. Hochstenbach, C. & Arundel, R. (2020) Spatial housing market polarisation: National and urban dynamics of diverging house values. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45(2): 464- 482, DOI: 10.1111/tran.12346
  7. Hoekstra, M.S., Hochstenbach, C., Bontje, M.A. & Musterd, S. (2020) Shrinkage and housing inequality: Policy responses to population decline and class change. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42(3): 333-350, DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2018.1457407
  8. Houllier-Guibert, C.-E. & Cunningham Sabot, E. (2021) La médiatisation des villes en décroissance. Revue Marketing Territorial, 6(Winter),
  9. Li, H. & Mykhnenko, V. (2018) Urban shrinkage with Chinese characteristics. The Geographical Journal, 184: 398-412, DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12266
  10. Mykhnenko, V. & Wolff, M. (2019) State rescaling and economic convergence. Regional Studies, 53(4): 462-477, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1476754
  11. Nadolu, B. (2020) The Metropolisation of Timişoara, Romania: An Evaluation by Urban Future Methodology. PANGEEA, 20(20): 35-41,
  12. Özatağan, G. & Eraydin, A. (2020) Emerging policy responses in shrinking cities: Shifting policy agendas to align with growth machine politics. Environment and Planning A, Online First, DOI: 10.1177/0308518X20975032
  13. Pielesiak I., Ogrodowczyk A. & Marcińczak S. (2021) Budowanie Prężności Miast Europejskich w Kontekście Procesu Kurczenia. Lodz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego [Lodz University Press]. 168 pp. ISBN 978-83-8220-411-7
  14. Mykhnenko, V., Badyina, A., Lee, P. & Clarke, S. (2023) Сток - город искусств: культурная регенерация сжимающегося города. In Karpova. O. (Ed.), Российские региональные столицы: Развитие, основанное на культуре (pp. 74-90). Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге [The European University in St. Petersburg Press]. ISBN 978-5-94380-372-7
  15. Wolff, M. & Mykhnenko, V. (2023) COVID-19 as a game-changer? The impact of the pandemic on urban trajectories. Cities, 134(March). Early Access, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.104162
  16. Mykhnenko, V. (2023) Smart shrinkage solutions? The future of present-day urban regeneration on the inner peripheries of Europe. Applied Geography, 157: 103018, DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2023.103018